Staff favourites
A sprinkling of the books we've read since we opened.
We may not always agree on them, we may have picked books some of you have hated, but they're all books at least one of us (or our former colleagues) have read and enjoyed. It will mostly be fiction, but you'll also find books from the non-fiction, YA, and children's sections of our shop. If you've any questions, just ask. If you've any opinions, just say.
56 products
A Flat Place
On SaleActivist (Bristol Teen Book Award Nominee)
£7.64 Regular price
£8.99 -
Blue Ruin
Book of Secrets
Brandy Sour
Cahokia Jazz
Close To Home
On SaleCrossing the Line (Bristol Teen Book Award Nominee)
£6.79 Regular price
£7.99 -
Fire Rush
How They Broke Britain
Impossible Creatures
In Memoriam
Long Island
North Woods
Old God's Time
Our Evenings
Private Rites
Question 7
Small Worlds
Spider-Man - India
On SaleSteady for This (Bristol Teen Book Award Nominee)
£6.79 Regular price
£7.99 -
The Angel of Rome