Translated Fiction Book Club: Tuesday 29/04 The National Telepathy by Roque Larraquy
Roque Larraquy
Publisher: Charco Press
ISBN 13: 9781913867904
Join us for an exciting evening to discuss translated literature. Whether you're a fan of literary fiction or just looking to try something new, this book club hopes to achieve just that. In April, we will be looking at The National Telepathy by Roque Larraquy, translated from Spanish by Frank Wynne.
Tuesday 29th April
Max Minerva's, 47 Henleaze Road, BS9 4JU
Doors at 18:30. Discussion at 18:45. Finish at 19:45.
Attendance for the book club is free, but if you could register your place through the website, it helps us to gauge numbers.
If you would like to buy a copy of the book, you can order it through us and show up on the night.
ABOUT The National Telepathy
In September 1933, the Peruvian Rubber Company delivers nineteen indigenous people from the Amazon to businessman Amado Dam, intended for Argentina's first Ethnographic Theme Park. Unexpected among the human cargo is an artefact harbouring a sloth with a fascinating yet terrifying secret: the ability to create erotically explosive telepathic connections between people. What ensues is a raucous satire of men’s fear of women’s bodies, of the illusion of logic in the structures of so-called civilisation, and the way class and race obscure identities when the observer is a man with power.
In The National Telepathy , Roque Larraquy, one of the most original voices in contemporary Argentinian literature, brings us a literary high-wire act, an over-the-top comic grotesque about atrocity. This shocking, bizarre, funny, imaginative novel lays all-too-bare the secret longings and not-so-secret machinations of a social class that will stop at nothing in order to stay on top.
Charco Press focuses on finding outstanding contemporary Latin American literature and bringing it to new readers in the English-speaking world. They aim to act as a cultural and linguistic bridge for you to be able to access a brand new world of fiction that has, until now, been missing from your reading list.